More commercial space is coming to Downtown LA’s Historic Core as the Broadway Arts Tower opens its doors on Broadway between 5th and 6th Streets. The Broadway Arts Tower at 529 S Broadway, sister buildings to the Spring Arts Tower at 5th/Spring, brings the first new offices to Broadway in more than 80 years. It is also the first creative office building to open since Councilmember Jose Huizar’s office passed the Historic Commercial Reuse Ordinance last December, which allows historic buildings to be brought back to commercial use in a simpler, more expedited manner.
The Broadway Arts Tower, formerly the Schulte United building, was originally built in 1928 as a department store and popular cafeteria. The five-story building’s original grand staircase with bronze inlays and brass handrails, brickwork, and hardwood floors have all been saved and incorporated into the final design of the project.
The Historic Core BID along with Councilmember Huizar will celebrate the opening of the Broadway Arts Tower and its first new tenants with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house reception on Thursday, November 6th at 4:00pm. If you’d like to attend and see the historic building up close, please RSVP to